Thursday, October 11, 2012

The coolest of them all...

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So here's a twist on an ancient fairy tale that we are all accustomed to - In my version, it goes something like this - 'Mirror mirror on the wall - Who is the 'coolest' of them all'. And the answer comes screeching back to me saying 'Duh! Didn't you know it was your in-laws?'.

Surprised? Hell, you better be. After all who would expect a daughter-in-law, no less, to make such a statement?! But it's true, it's so true. And here are all the reasons why - 
  • There's something to say about Proudness. And these are folks who were as proud of me as my own parents.
  • There's something to say about Kindness. And these are folks who were more than kind to me - in their words as well as their actions.
  • There's something to say about Coolness. After all who else would accompany me to the gym, come for runs/walks with me by the lake, teach me swimming (yeah you heard that right), and also be game to try out different cuisines with me?
  • There's something to say about Love. After all who else would love all my clothes, and more importantly love me in spite of all my nuances?
  • There's something to say about Trust. These are folks who trust me to make my own decisions, and make right decisions at that!
  • And finally there's something to say about Faith. Faith in my me, faith that I can improve, even faith in my cooking, no less! 
They were all this and much much more. Accommodating, unconditional, unquestioning, and ever forgiving.

And so when the mirror screeches this answer to me, I cannot help but smirk and respond saying 'Duh, I knew the answer all along!'.