Thursday, March 21, 2013

Work-Life Balance?

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I was suddenly inspired today to write a little bit about my thoughts on one of the things I have started to strongly believe in. So bear with me as I pen (type? ;) down my thoughts about this.
What I am referring to is the proverbial Work-Life balance. Now I'm sure this is a topic close to most people's hearts as almost all of us are busy juggling our life and our work. But which one of these takes a backseat? And more importantly, which should?
Work-Life Balance
I first came across the term Work-Life balance at my place of work - Deloitte. Now this is something that Deloitte strongly believes in and painstakingly promotes. What they want to ensure is that an individual tries to achieve a Work-Life fit. A seemingly good balance of your home and office life, so that one can enjoy and reap the benefits of both these so very important aspects of life. This is what first got me to think about this concept. And I mean, really think!
At this point of time, right off the bat, people are going to argue that promoting is one thing but implementing is a whole different ball game. For instance, even though a company may endorse the Work-Life fit, an employee may still be inundated with a heavy workload, client deliverables, deadlines, and the list goes on. So isn't that counterproductive? Well, it is, but not if you can do something about it. Which brings me to my next point of how (in my opinion) this is achievable...
So, what gives?
Two words here - Time Management. You can stop reading this right now and understand everything that I want to say with these two little words. It's all about making time. Everyone is busy - that goes without saying. But what makes the difference between making your busy schedule work for you in both work and life is this - time management. Bucket your time, manage your priorities (without compromising them), and then the most important part - stick to it.
Does it work?
I have a high stress job - numerous meetings every day, things to manage, things constantly coming out of left field during a given day and the list goes on. Every day at work is a brand new day, filled with the excitement of being unaware of what may come and so constantly having to reprioritize tasks. But amidst all the chaos, one thing I do not change (or try my level best not to) is sticking to my schedule! And no matter how chaotic your day, it is possible to do this with a little practice, with a little discipline and will power combined with a solid determination of wanting to make this work. And the result - My office life is as good as ever and so is my personal life. Win-win?
What's important?
I truly believe that at the end of the day, it is a good fit of both that makes an individual truly happy. I love my work but I love my personal life too. I love the excitement of deadlines, and meetings, and managing people but at the same time I love the excitement of social events, the fun in experimental cooking, and meeting friends. Keeping time for the things that I love doing and more importantly keeping time for the people that I love. :-)
So to sum it up - Work or Life? Should one take a backseat? I don't see why! Is it possible to have your cake and eat it too? I think yes. And oh, how very delicious that is!