Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Flightmare...

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Okay so I think I am one of those people who are always accompanied by a bout of bad luck while traveling by know...the people who inadvertently have flight delays, cancellations, airport closures (that's right), lost baggages, planes sitting on the runway for hours and the list goes on. I do feel bad for the folks travelling with me as they indirectly get subjected to my awesome travel luck as well :p

But today I thought I should chronicle my worst travelling experience till date. My last worst experience was when I was travelling from India to the States and I had to deal with the following -
1. Plane sitting on the runway for hours prior to takeoff
2. A TSA attendant who almost lost my boarding pass
3. The delay, delay, delay at the John F Kennedy airport at NYC
4. Finally the shut down aka complete closure of the airport due to bad weather
5. Thus staying the night at JFK since the airlines was too cheap to give us hotel vouchers
6. Reaching my final destination (after a total of 36 hours of travel) the next morning after several more flight delays, boarding gate changes and so on only to find out that my luggage was lost in transit. (I received my bags three days later)

Until recently, I thought I had nothing that could top this story but last week I found out just how wrong I was. Here's what happened when I was returning to Chicago from NYC last week -
1. Regular flight, what a joke, delay, delay, delay, delay, mechanical problem so now flights canceled.
2. Last flight of the day so re-booked for 7 am the next morning, 6 am on standby.
3. Got into a fight with this Indian lady trying to cut into the line in front of me and several other passengers.
4. Airline gives us a voucher for an airport hotel and tells us to take the hotel shuttle. More than half hour later, no hotel shuttle.
5. Finally decide to just take a cab to the hotel, stood half hour in the cab line in my formal suit on what was one of the hottest days in NY this summer and was 'this' close to passing out.
6. Finally get a cab with a lady driver who half way there informs me that she has no idea where the hotel is, has no GPS, and can barely speak English. At this point we are near the road to the Bronx, I freak out, and tell her to just drop me at the airport again.
7. At the airport (it's 10:30 at night now), I decide to take the hotel shuttle. Upon reaching the hotel, they are completely booked. I offer to pay them, but no-can't-do, no room available. I take the hotel shuttle to the airport again.
8. Found the airline counter and told them the problem. They call numerous hotels, all booked, and finally find one that has availability. Quickly go to this new hotel shuttle with several passengers in a similar situation (flights canceled) and half the folks are turned back at this hotel too as it got overbooked.
10. The good part - I got a room. The bad part - this was an airport hotel. I had always heard horror stories about how bad airport hotels are and this one was no exception. I found a corner in the hotel room and just laid there for three hours and took the first shuttle (at 4 am) to the airport.

Thankfully I got into the standby flight at 6 am and reached home without further commotion.

But add to all this the numerous fights I saw break out among passengers because 1. it was New York 2. everyone was jittery and agitated. Also add to this the absolutely dickhead like people at the airlines, at the airport, at the hotel, almost everywhere in New York that I came across and this was a recipe for a nightmare that I cannot forget.

Now I need to tell myself to take a deep breath, calm down, and remind myself that this was several days ago. Oh wait, but I heard I might have to travel to NY again! You have got to be kiddin' me! :-|


  1. Wow !! That does sound truly bad ! Glad you made it back okay ! Read a few of your blogs on here...good job, they are well-written and entertaining ! I have wanted to start one for ages, but I never seem to have leisure time. :( Maybe when I am finally done with the PhD !

  2. Hey Shweta...It's never too late to start :) Writing does have therapeutic values at times :-)`

  3. it was just one of those bad days......they dont come again and cheers for your next trip...pappa

  4. Murphy's law Shruta.. When something goes wrong other bad things follows! But it was really bad indeed. Hope you never experience it ever again.
