Monday, June 4, 2012

President Obama - Home Sweet Home

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This Friday, June 1st 2012, my regular commute home from work took a little over half an hour. The reason - road blocks on Michigan, Randolph, Washington Street etc. And because - President Barack Obama was returning to his home in Chicago to spend some quality time with himself. So that explains the plethora of reporters, cops, supporters, protesters, and other just curious folks hanging around with their cell phones handy to take a quick snap of the President. (No, I did not join this crowd of onlookers, but I suppose it would have been cool to get a sneak peak of our infamous President).

Based on news reports, President Obama wanted to relax at his Kenwood/Hyde Park home where he has not had an overnight stay since almost a year. Apparently the President was just 15 minutes away from his home during the recent NATO Summit in Chicago, however, he was not allowed to go home as that would have increased the already crazy traffic et all that Chicago was being subjected to during the NATO Summit.

So maybe that was what triggered his homecoming urge. Or maybe it's the pressure thats mounting high on the President, what with elections coming up in September, the recent flak that he received for supporting same-sex marriages, and the latest nationwide jobs report that he received on Friday indicating that only 69,000 new jobs were created in May along with an increase in the unemployment rate.

Whatever the reason, Chicago was happy to see him back. Incidentally, his wife, Michelle Obama, and his kids did not accompany him here. He was also found strolling the Hyde Park neighbourhood on Saturday morning with his White House advisor. When asked by reporters whether he cooked breakfast as well, he promptly replied no since he woke up late. Good times, eh?

Welcome home, Mr. President albeit for only a weekend. Sure the White House has its perks and all, but home is where the heart is, isn't it?

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