Monday, January 13, 2014

The Spirit of Mumbai

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Mumbai - the city that never sleeps! Mumbai - my hometown, the place that I've been away from for a decade. But each time I return, I realize that my city has changed. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. But one thing that never changes is the vibrant, undying spirit of this city.

Keeping that in mind, here are some of the observations from my most recent visit home -

#1 Everyone is vibrant - The energy of everyone around you is seriously contagious. Be it the hordes of folks shopping in malls or eating in restaurants or walking on the streets, there is a vibrancy to it that is really unlike any other city in the world.

#2 Everyone makes money - No matter the heavy traffic to go to work, no matter the bureaucracy at work, no matter the politics at play, everyone makes money. The amount may vary but the fact still remains that Mumbai truly remains a land of opportunities.

#3 Buy that house? - While real estate prices plummet elsewhere, the property market in Mumbai is always at an all-time high. Buying a house in Mumbai is not for the faint hearted with real estate prices ranging more than New York even.

#4 No one cares about your petty concerns - You can honk all you want at that jay walker, you can scream and shout at something that's amiss, no one truly has time to even react to your concerns. Everyone has someplace to go to and something important to do. The age-old adage of Time is Money has never been truer than in here.

#5 The city never sleeps - This is so true. This is truly a city where much of everything will be open all day all night long. Craving your favorite fast food in the middle of the night? - you will inevitably find someplace that's open that serves it.

#6 Traffic, much? - Want to go to a fancy place in Juhu on a Saturday night? Boy, aren't you ambitious! ;) But jokes apart, one has to make sure to factor in the travel time. That is truly the most important part.

#7 New Year's eve? - What's a paltry Rs. 50,000 (that's around $800) for a New Year's Bash package? After all, it's all about having fun - money no bar, eh?!

#8 Miss that American food? - Not really but if you do, there are tons of really nice places that serve the same food that we get in good old Amreeka.

#9 Let's go to Goa! - You or someone you've heard of is almost inevitably holidaying in Goa.

#10 Miss those brands? - Not anymore. Mumbai has everything from Louis Vuitton to Burberry and folks with the clout to buy it too.

Ahh my Mumbai - so different yet still the same. Needless to say I miss you already. So until we meet again, my old friend, do stay amazing.

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