Thursday, February 27, 2014

10 reasons why I LOVED Highway (the movie)

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I recently watched the newly released Bollywood movie - Highway. And was simply blown away. The fact that I could not get this movie out of my head (still can't) should be sufficient proof of how incredible it was. So here is my compilation of the top ten reasons why I absolutely loved! this movie. (Spoiler Alert - In case you haven't watched it and don't want any scenes revealed, don't read this. But do go watch this movie. Pronto.)
#10 The fact that this movie made me wanna give up all my worldly possessions and become one with nature. Or something of that sort ;)
#9 The fact that I did not check my cellphone even once while watching this film.
#8 Alia Bhatt - I like this one. I think she has real potential and was incredible in this movie.
#7 The change from the typical Hindi movie love angle. No boy meets girl and somehow they fall crazily in love run-of-the-mill routine. The romantic nuances depicted here were simply remarkable.
#6 The completely believable plotline - no loopholes, no gaps (at least as far as I could tell).
#5 The incredible scenery of the terrains of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir etc. that were depicted in this film. Reminds you that India is just so beautiful, if only folks were more aware of this fact.
#4 The incredible folk music tunes within the movie. Indian folk music is so underrated that when something like this comes up, it is so worth mentioning.
#3 The incredible scene where Veera (Alia Bhatt) runs across the open wide space with stars above while trying to escape and is simply overwhelmed.
#2  Randeep Hooda. Need I say more?
#1 The scene towards the end where Veera (Alia Bhatt) screams her lungs out at her uncle until he walks away. I got goose bumps, I kid you not.
All in all, I think a movie like this comes once in a while. Now I have an intense desire to watch it again. I think I might. I just might.

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