Monday, March 24, 2014

Barre me over!

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I went to my very first Barre class last week. And was completely blown away. It was nothing short of a spiritual experience and so how can I not write something about it? So here goes...
First things first, what is Barre? (pronounced 'Bar') Other than being the newest trend and something touted to give you a dancer's body, Barre is basically something that uses Pilates + Yoga + Ballet moves to give you a toned body. It's terribly difficult slow concentrated motions that target everything from your arms to your toes and give your body a complete workout. Basically, lengthen & strengthen your muscles. Also, have you ever seen a fat ballerina?
A lot of things went through my mind during my first Barre class. Here is my compilation of some of them ;) I am not shy to workout routines, running etc. but this was a whole new ball game.
So that's it folks. I can tout this form of exercise all that I want but you really truly have to try it out to believe what it can do for you. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. 

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