Friday, March 14, 2014

I want to believe...

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I want to believe that we are capable of kindness...
That chivalry is not lost...
That doing a nice thing for someone is not viewed with suspicion...
That sometimes there really is no ulterior motive
I want to believe that folks have a good heart...
That friendship is not just for give & take
I want to believe that scruples are not lost...
That conscience is not dead...
That it's not always about me...
Sometimes it could be about something bigger than you and me...
I want to believe there are angels among us...
To guide us on our path, to help us distinguish right from wrong...
I want to believe that positivity exists...
Not just superficially but really truly honestly
I want to believe a smile is not just a camouflage
For the dark lurking within someone...
I want to believe a hug is meant when it's meant...
And that promises are meant to be kept
I want to believe kindness is not just for display...
And that folks mean what they say and say what they mean
I want to believe genuine niceness is still required...
And that respect cannot be bought nor can dignity be bartered

I want to believe in a good world...don't you?

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